Welcome to the Newport West Condominium Association Web site. Here you'll find information about activities at Newport West as well as facts and events about the area. We feel our Newport West Mission Statement best describes our attitude toward living in our Condominium Community and our Neighborhood:
We at Newport West wish to live in a community with an active, fully voluntary, more closely connected network of neighbors, a neighborhood with a village atmosphere, where neighbors know each other, support each other, and are comfortable asking for help.
On these pages are links to information on social events and committees, as well a our newsletter, maps and news about Ann Arbor life. To find them, click on the buttons at the top of this page. Links to these and other pages can be found elsewhere as well: here is an example: About Us. Links to personal matters and specific units will be password-protected. You will receive the password in a separate email. Suggestions and comments on the website are always welcome. We hope you'll use and enjoy it.